
Welcome Thewold is filled with mysteries. Some solved, some you can't fathom and some that remain completely unknown. But then, there comes a time when the unknown becomes known, and once verified, it becomes fact. So, here are some amazing facts from around the world that will really leave you amazed: 1. In 1948, before Pakistan had the facilities, The Reserve Bank of India issued provisional notes for the Pakistani Rupee. It put the stamp of Government of Pakistan. They started printing it later in 1948. 2. In 2011, a woman named Aimee Davison purchased a 'non visible' piece of art for $10,000. She was promised an entire wing of the museum named in her honour & a title card with a description of the piece. The artwork in question was "Fresh Air". Read more about it  here . Source:  dailymail 3. In 2006, a woman lit matches in a flight to cover her fart smell. That forced an emergency landing. She claimed she had 'a medical c
We made so much interesting in this page.. If you like this please leave a comment .... 10 Amazing, Fun & Interesting Facts About World The World where we people live is full of amazing and interesting facts. let us know some interesting facts about the world Interesting Facts About The World #1:  Life on Earth The Earth is almost Five billion years old but, life has existed only for the last 150 million to 200 million years. This is estimated to be about 5% of its lifetime. #2:  What’s in a day? After years and years of revolving and rotating, the planet is slowing down too. Millions of years ago, a day was only 20 hours long. A few million years later, it will be 27 hours long. #3:  Run for your life! Melting Ice!! Global warming is likely to impact Maldives heavily, as it is the country with a lowest height above sea level of 1.8 meters and will go under water. There are only 27 glaciers left in Montana’s Glacier National Park, versus 150 in 19